
Vim is an extended vi-editor (Vi improved)

Installing Tex-Menues for Vim

1) Put the zipped tar-file "tex_menu.tgz" into your home directory.
(or, to be on the save side, depack it in a temporary directory and move it later to your home directory)

2) expand zip-file

3) Add to your vim-presetting-file (e.g. .vimrc under Unix  or _vimrc under Windows)

:let mysyntaxfile = "~/.vim/mysyntax.vim"
source /usr/local/share/vim/syntax/syntax.vim
source ~/.vim/menue/menue.mnu

An example of my .vimrc is placed into directory .vim.

4) Add environment-variable PS_PRINTER e.g into your .cshrc:
setenv PS_PRINTER lp
or .kshrc and .bashrc it is like
These variables are uses by the file ~/.vim/menue/latex.mnu

5) Similar to that add environment-variable LATEX_CMD e.g into your .cshrc:
setenv LATEX_CMD latex
or .kshrc and .bashrc it is like
LATEX_CMD=latex; export LATEX_CMD
and in Unix PS_VIEWER (usually ghostview or gv)

Please give me recommendations to do it better!
(Maybe only a better "naming of menue points", slight errors...)


Download latex menue files, zipped and compressed by gnu-tar



I found it and added something...
And remove menue point

Speakeasy is something like an idl (interactive Data Language), Matlab or Scilab:

Download  "Speakeasy" syntax file for vim-editor

Related Links

Vim is a mighty extended vi-editor, see:
Vim Home Page (2009 in stable Version 7.

In Unix I prefer the standard TeTeX distribution.

Menues work under Windows 95, 98, NT, XP, 7 too. (WME has a problem to copy page to lpt1:) without uncommenting things in "latex.mnu", but I have not tested until now.

Under B.G.'s newer operating system I prefer here "Miktex":
Miktex Project Page

Rev. 19.05.2008

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